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The following courses are offered spring 2025 in Fine Arts, Film and Digital Media. Advisors are ready to assist you with choosing the most appropriate class for you. If you have specific questions about course content, please contact Sarah Stolar, Department Chair -, or the instructor for the course directly. Faculty bios and emails can be found here.

Contact an advisor directly at (575) 737-3698 or click HERE to register.

Under certain circumstances, prerequisites may be waived. You must contact an advisor directly to facilitate this request.


SPRING 2025 

The 2025 spring session runs January 20th through May 17th

Art Practices II - ARTS 1230
w/ Jaime Knight
Face-to-Face - Tuesdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex
Prerequisite: ARTS 1220


This is an interdisciplinary course, exploring the processes, ideas, and diverse media of visual arts. The course addresses the thematic concepts that are central to the nature of art making today. This second semester’s assignments will investigate issues of MOTIVE and CHANGE.   Students will complete projects in a variety of media, including works on paper, sculpture, photo, and video, and short response paper/artist statement will accompany each project. In some cases, students are encouraged to approach each project with the materials they feel are most appropriate. Visual problem solving will be emphasized throughout the course, in addition to the nature of artistic meaning. 


Drawing II - ARTS 2610
w/ Sarah Stolar
Face-to-Face - Wednesdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex

Prerequisite: ARTS 1610


This course introduces color and colored media as an element of composition while emphasizing descriptive and perceptual drawing skills and conceptual approaches to contemporary drawing. Drawing II is a course designed to investigate the next level of drawing exploration after Drawing I. Using basic drawing techniques as a foundation, students will begin to investigate more expressive and conceptual aspects of drawing, with an emphasis on personal artistic expression. Various types of observational drawing will be explored, such as still-life, interior and exterior space, and the figure, as well as addressing abstraction and deconstruction. Color will be introduced formally and expressively, and students are encouraged to approach drawing in a variety of non-traditional ways. Students will be given a series of theoretical problems to solve in an effort to discover multiple perspectives in drawing.



Painting I - ARTS 1630
w/ Gary Cook
Face-to-Face - Tuesdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex
Prerequisite: ARTS 1610


Painting I introduces the tradition of painting as a medium for artistic expression. Students will investigate materials, tools, techniques, history and concepts of painting. Emphasis is placed on developing descriptive and perceptual skills, color theory, and composition.  


This course introduces basic concepts and develops technical and perceptual skills using acrylic or oil (preferred). Students will learn the fundamentals of observational oil painting, focusing on representational paintings of a variety of subjects including still-life, landscape, and self-portrait. We will discuss the visual information in painting, the dialogue surrounding painting and its formulas, and when it is appropriate to abandon those formulas. Students will make several short-session paintings throughout the semester, and one or two highly polished works, and learn of a variety of techniques accumulating in a confident, contemporary painting style. 



Painting II - ARTS 2630
w/ Sarah Stolar
Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex
Prerequisite: ARTS 1630


Painting II continues exploration of the painting concepts and techniques presented in Painting I. Course objectives include increasing one’s visual vocabulary, seeing skills, and resolving visual images in the form of paintings. Noting that this is not an introduction class, the primary goal of the class is to further develop ones understanding of visual phenomena, surface development and composition as expressive tools. Assignments will be executed in medium to large scale painting formats. This course explores ideas on creativity and consciousness as they relate to knowing and conceptualizing ideas. Students are also be expected to enter a painting in the annual student show. 



Introduction to Ceramics - ARTS 1310
w/ Lee Akins
Face-to-Face - Tuesdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex


This course introduces the technical processes and conceptual concerns of working with ceramic material. Various methods of forming functional and expressive works out of clay are explored. Methods used include hand building and throwing, basic clay bodies, slip and glaze, and atmospheric firing.


Terminology, concepts, historical and technical information will be presented. Techniques will include the hand building techniques of pinch, coil, slab and molding. Wheel projects will include cylinders, bowls and mugs. Individual creative development is encouraged. There will be both self-selected and assigned projects.


Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.



Ceramics I - ARTS 1320
w/ Lee Akins
Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex
Prerequisite: ARTS 1310


An introduction to the medium of clay incorporating hand building and wheel throwing to introduce the student to both the sculptural and utilitarian uses of clay. The student will also be introduced to a variety of glazing and firing techniques. 


Continuation of Arts 1310 with an emphasis placed on the mastery of forming, surfacing, and firing processes. Intermediate hand building and wheel throwing techniques will include projects with lids, spouts and decorating. Making and formulating glazes, as well as variety of firing techniques will also be presented. Expanded critical awareness and the development of a personal aesthetic will be encouraged. There will be both self-selected and assigned projects. 

Sculpture I - ARTS 1840

w/ Lee Akins

Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex

Sculpture I introduces the student to a working knowledge of the medium and techniques used in the creation of ceramic sculpture; along with the historic, conceptual, and aesthetic foundations of the sculptural process. Projects will include bas-relief, plaster molds, organic, geometric, bust, figure and mixed media. Each session will include a presentation/ demonstration with both historical and contemporary examples. Students will demonstrate the ability to experience and analyze a sculpture, and how to communicate those analyses in a comprehensible manner. They will produce objects and analyses that demonstrate a cursory knowledge of historic, and contemporary art practices. Students will begin to define their own personal vocabulary in the visual language through the creation of a body of work. A minimum of seven finished sculptures will be required. 

Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.


Intro to Printmaking - ARTS 1710
w/ Gary Cook
Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex
Prerequisite: ARTS 1610


This course provides direct experience of exploring basic printmaking processes, including relief, intaglio, and monoprint processes, as well as the investigation of materials/media, tools, techniques, history, and concepts of printmaking. Emphasis is given to solving problems through thematic development while producing a portfolio of prints. 


Fundamental techniques in Introduction to Printmaking are presented and practiced in a survey format. Methods and expressive potentials of the major printmaking processes are taught. Instruction includes lecture, demonstrations, practice, and critique. At the conclusion of this course, the student will develop awareness of the unique properties of a wide variety of print processes and the historical development of printmaking and it’s influences on contemporary works; develop technique and the proper use of tools and materials within the print shop as a collaborative working space; Utilize a journal/sketchbook as a documentation process, to develop concepts, generate source material and aid in self-criticism and exploration; increase understanding of his/her own aesthetic aspirations and how these objectives can be expressed using the print media; and create a foundation for more advanced study of print media. 



Topics: Monotype - ARTS 1165L
w/ Gary Cook
Face-to-Face - Wednesdays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex


Monotype explores the addition and subtraction methods of monotype printmaking to produce exciting images. Monotype is an old method that has received new attention in today's society. Students explore its relationship to other contemporary forms of art and develop a personal direction in their work. 


This is an intermediate level course in printmaking with emphasis on the monotype (and monoprint) processes. Students will explore the varied possibilities of the monotype medium while also developing safe and non-toxic printmaking procedures. Additive and subtractive methods, as well as oil inks, crayon, and pencils, will be used. Technical and aesthetic considerations will be addressed in one-on-one instruction and group critiques. Students will understand the working properties of inks, ink modifiers and solvents used in printmaking. The course is finalized with a portfolio of monotype prints. 



Jewelry & Small Metal Construction I - ARTS 1810
w/ Kimberly Thompson

Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 9-2:30pm

Face-to-Face - Fridays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex


This course introduces the basic techniques, materials, and tools traditionally used in the creation of jewelry and/or small-scale sculptural objects.  Students will explore fundamental fabrication practices and demonstrate proficiency in skills and a comprehension of visual vocabulary. Coursework will include examination of the history and practices of jewelry-making and metal casting within a global perspective.  Techniques covered may include soldering, stone setting, lapidary, and casting. 

Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.


Jewelry & Small Metal Construction II - ARTS 2810
w/ Kimberly Thompson
Face-to-Face - Wednesdays, 12-5:30pm

Art Annex
Prerequisite: ARTS 1810 or by instructor permission


Fabrication skills are further developed and refined while additional advanced fabrication methods are introduced. Emphasis is placed on developing a deeper understanding of form and content as it relates to creating on an intimate scale. This course builds on concepts learned in Jewelry and Small Metal Construction I and allows the student an opportunity to expand upon basic concepts, techniques, and processes of jewelry making, and miniature sculpture.  Students will explore alternative casting methods, advanced soldering applications, and intermediate level stone setting techniques.

Introduction to Soldering - AAC 293
w/ Kimberly Thompson
Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 3-5:30pm

Art Annex


The class combines demonstrations with hands-on practice. You'll start by learning about the different materials and tools used in jewelry soldering, followed by step-by-step soldering exercises tailored to common jewelry projects. By the end of the class, you'll have successfully soldered and completed a small piece of jewelry, such as a ring, pendant, or set of earrings. Students will learn the qualities and basic application of soldering metal for small-scale jewelry, and work with metals commonly used in jewelry soldering, such as sterling silver, gold, copper, and brass. Students will learn different types of jewelry solder (hard, medium, easy) and when to use each for multi-step soldering. Students will learn how to properly use jewelry soldering tools, including micro torches, soldering pads, tweezers, and pickling solutions. This class will cover tips for precision soldering to create clean, seamless joints that enhance the aesthetics of your pieces; and how to troubleshoot common soldering issues specific to jewelry, like overheating, melting delicate parts, or unsightly seams​.


Intro to Photography - ARTS 1410
w/ Adrian Pijoan
Online, asynchronous 


This course introduces the making of photographic images from a broad viewpoint to consider both as an art practice and as a cultural practice. The course covers basic technical information in camera use and functionality, composition, and visual design, digital workflow, editing, manipulating, and enhancing images correctly and effectively. 


Demonstrations, artist talks, assignments, and critiques will give students the beginning tools for creative exploration and expression in the medium of photography. Course content is created to get students thinking about the meaning of photographic images in history, culture, and in their own experiences. Students will gain the skills and knowledge to demonstrate visual voice through photography and competency in basic camera functions and composition.


Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.



Intro to Photography - ARTS 1410
w/ Jaime Knight
Face-to-Face - Fridays, 9-2:30pm

Klauer Campus


This course introduces the making of photographic images from a broad viewpoint to consider both as an art practice and as a cultural practice. The course covers basic technical information in camera use and functionality, composition, and visual design, digital workflow, editing, manipulating, and enhancing images correctly and effectively. 


Demonstrations, artist talks, assignments, and critiques will give students the beginning tools for creative exploration and expression in the medium of photography. Course content is created to get students thinking about the meaning of photographic images in history, culture, and in their own experiences. Students will gain the skills and knowledge to demonstrate visual voice through photography and competency in basic camera functions and composition.


Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.

Visualizing Ideas - ARTS 2420 

(equivalent to Photo II)
w/ Jaime Knight
Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 9-2:30pm

Klauer Campus

Prerequisite: ARTS 1410 or by instructor permission


The course is dedicated to teaching how to visualize ideas within the photographic medium by combining theoretical content and aesthetic form to create a conceptually rich body of work. It explores advanced digital photography, including perfecting use of the camera and relevant digital software, and honing inkjet printing skills. We will explore new techniques and workflows, and use them to respond to a variety of themes and concerns. We will look at a number of contemporary photographic practitioners, and discuss a multitude of historical and contemporary approaches to the same ideas we will be probing.

This course is designed to build upon the technical knowledge gained in ARTS 1410. Students will hone their skills in digital photography while gaining a deeper understanding of the creative, technical and conceptual aspects of their image-making. Content is comprised of class lectures, assigned projects and exercises, readings, critical writing and group critiques. The assignments include both technical and creative aspects, they are meant to be open-ended and invite individual interpretation. The semester culminates in a final project, which will require students to display technical prowess while creating a visually coherent group of images, preparing them for further study in photography and the graphic arts. 


In this class students will work towards a single project in the form of a monographic book object. Students will pursue a subject of their choosing to advance their photographic skills and learn specific technical skills in layout and design, paper manipulation, a variety of book forms and binding techniques as well as how to edit and finalize images and text to create a unique artists book. 



Intro to Art and Ecology - ARTS 1143
w/ Adrian Pijoan
Online, asynchronous 


This course is an introduction to the history and practice of the interdisciplinary field of art and ecology. Students will investigate artistic practice, political ecology, environmental justice, and the interrelationships between cultural and ecological systems. 


Through readings, discussion, lectures, and projects, we will explore how art can respond to–and make meaning within–the context of climate crises, mass extinction, colonialism, extractivism, and beyond. In order to expand the space of possibilities for thinking/feeling/making, this course aims to identify and to challenge distinctions between art and science, theory and practice, knowledge and affect. 


Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.


Video Production II - FDMA 2525
w/ Peter Walker
Face-to-Face - Wednesdays, 9-12:30pm

Klauer Campus


An in-depth exploration of digital video production, including camera, lighting and sound production techniques for studio and field production. This class will help the filmmaker visualize and execute a digital film in a real-world team environment.


This course will train students in advanced Video Production skills, knowledge and concepts necessary to work as a media professional. This course leads to an Associate’s Degree in Digital Media Arts. We begin with the Seven tools of Visual Storytelling: The frame; Light and color; The Lens; Movement; Texture; Establishing; POV - Point-of-view. Students get weekly opportunities to learn about Technical Storytelling starting with how Pixar uses tells a story without words. Iconic and evocative stories are the heart of any production that generates a receptive audience. Each week we examine such stories in a series called “Untold America” - a show by AJ+ that explores the underrepresented, forgotten and misunderstood communities in the United States. For the hands-on part of the class students will create their own Character Videos each week where they get to use the skills from each class and will emerge with a solid reel by the end of the 16-week course. 



Intro to Post Production Editing - FDMA 1550
w/ Peter Walker
Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 9-12pm

Klauer Campus


A comprehensive introduction to the basics of editing short films, documentaries and commercials. This is the second course of a comprehensive 2-year Certificate in Film and Television Production. Students will learn introductory level working knowledge and demonstrate proper use of post-production and editing software, develop editing skills by putting together scenes of shot footage,  build an editing portfolio of their completed works, and learn to showcase their finished work on a variety of platforms.

Intro to Animation - FDMA 2714
w/ TBD
Face-to-Face - Fridays, 9-11:30am

Klauer Campus


This course will be entirely focused on laying the foundation of animation around the twelve principles of animation as defined by Disney master animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston.

Intro to 3D Modeling - FDMA 2530
w/ TBD

Face-to-Face - Fridays, 9-11:30am

Klauer Campus

This course will introduce 3D modeling methods and current practices. Students will learn preliminary and detailed modeling techniques using industry standard software. Methods will emphasize formal and functional aspects of modeling as they apply to mechanical, organic, and sculpted topology for application in animation, games, and information media.

Topics: Internship - FDMA 2280
w/ Peter Walker
Face-to-Face - Thursdays, 12:30-2:30pm

Klauer Campus

By instructor permission - email


Internship students work on various film and media projects in professional settings. Students gain real-world experience working in the New Mexico film and media industry.

Adventure Filmmaking - FDMA 2171
w/ Peter Walker

Klauer Campus

By instructor permission - email


Introduction to the technical skills of Adventure Filmmaking. This intensive course will give students an opportunity to use cutting edge camera gear in outdoor settings while working as a team to tell exiting stories and stay safe. 

Introduction to Film Studies - FDMA 2110
w/ Kelly Clement
Online, asynchronous 


Analysis of film as a unique art, and a survey of main trends in film history. Screenings and critical study of major films.


This course is designed to provide you with a foundation for future film study; to expose you to a wide range of cinematic styles and approaches; and to move you from a passive viewer to an active “reader” of film. You will learn the basic elements of cinematic language (including narrative, mise-en-scene, cinematography, acting, editing, and sound) and will use that knowledge to analyze the way filmmakers convey information, story, and meaning, develop style, and elicit audience response within a single scene and over the course of an entire feature film. We’ll explore the central critical approaches to the study of cinema, and examine a wide range of film styles and movements. There are no prerequisites for taking this class. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 7: Arts and Design.


Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.



Introduction to Art - ARTH 1120
w/ Paula King
Online, asynchronous 


This foundation course introduces and explores the visual arts on a personal, societal, cultural, and historical level. An excellent course for someone new to the study of art or the experienced artist, students learn about all art-making processes, art materials, and techniques used by artists, designers, and architects. Studies feature iconic artists throughout history and major art movements. Students will build on a broad knowledge base to practice the skill of formal analysis, in order to expand an art appreciation and grow a personal aesthetic. The course offers a creative project using basic photography.


Canvas Online Course. This course is completed 100% online, therefore access to a computer and the internet are required. Designed with Quality Matters Standards, ARTH 1120 provides an excellent learning experience and offers flexibility for busy students. Support with the technology of the course is provided on campus, by email, and by phone by the HELP support staff of UNM. Pacing may be accelerated for early completion.


Inclusive Access for this course: This course has been set up for inclusive access delivery, this means your materials will be accessible through UNM Learn when classes begin. You do not need to shop for the ‘title of the book’ ahead of time. You do not need to pay by credit card or any other method, you should not see a prompt for payment at all when using the inclusive access materials. Your specially discounted price will be billed to your UNM Bursar Account AFTER the add/drop deadline. Additionally, McGraw-Hill Connect Access will be required (includes ebook, Smartbook, course learning activities, and exams).


Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.



Art History II - ARTH 2120
w/ Paula King
Online, asynchronous 


This survey course will explore architecture, sculpture, ceramics, paintings, drawings, and art objects from the 14th century to the Modern era. While focused primarily on the art of the Western civilizations, this course will also provide insights into the works of other major cultures in order to provide alternate views of art and history. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship of artworks to political, social, spiritual, intellectual, and cultural movements that affect and are affected by their creation and development. The course offers a creative project.


Canvas Online Course. This course is completed 100% online; access to a computer and the internet are required. Designed with Quality Matters Standards, ARTH 2120 provides an excellent learning experience and offers flexibility to Learners. Support with the technology of the course is provided on campus, by email, and by phone by the HELP support staff of UNM. Pacing may be accelerated for early completion.


Inclusive Access for this course: This course has been set up for inclusive access delivery, this means your materials will be accessible through UNM Learn when classes begin. You do not need to shop for the ‘title of the book’ ahead of time. You do not need to pay by credit card or any other method, you should not see a prompt for payment at all when using the inclusive access materials. Your specially discounted price will be billed to your UNM Bursar Account AFTER the add/drop deadline.


Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area VI: Creative and Fine Arts: Arts and Design.


Portfolio Development - ARTS 2010

w/ Sarah Stolar

Face to Face - Fridays, 9-2:30pm

Art Annex

By instructor permission - email

This course presents the practicalities of building an art career with emphasis on developing a professional portfolio through visual aids, resumes, statements, and presentations. It covers professional practices of the studio artist including self-promotion, contracts, research tools for exhibition venues and other art related opportunities. Over the course of the semester, students will develop a cohesive body of thematic works. Emphasis will be placed on individual investigations in the studio in any and all media. Individual studio space will be provided for each student, and qualified students will have access to additional studio use on campus (such as printmaking, metals, and ceramics). There will be several one-on-one and group critiques throughout the semester, and students will complete a resume, bio, and artist statement that coincides with their work. This course is perfect for artists who have an already established practice, even if it is emerging.

Draw / Paint
Film Studies

University of New Mexico-Taos

Department of Fine Arts, Film and Digital Media

1157 County Road, Ranchos de Taos

Taos, NM 87557

(575) 737-3698

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  • UNM-Taos Art FB


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